THE SALON (around 2003 suit you?)
Channel 4
Celebrities and other people
have their hair done. Well, that’s it, basically! Riveting, I’m sure you’ll admit!
Baker had colonic irrigation. What is that? Beats the shit out of me! She had it done while she was
“making her mind up” (do you see what I did?) whether to have a perm or a trim.
Verdict: watching paint dry
was never this much fun!
SEX AND THE CITY (1999-2004)
American TV
Cattaral as Samantha says fuck a lot and gets it from a number of men. That’s … er … it
really, but who cares?! There’s some other women in it, a blonde who does the narration, a redhead and a brunette, but
forget about them, I just want to hear Kim say fuck a lot and get her kit off!
Fuck the Tetley tea ad Kim!
(unless it’s a late night version where you get down and dirty with the Tetley tea men!)

(Samantha, second left, and … er … the others.)

(SEX AND THE CITY had its knockers - and here
they are!)
American TV

Gentlemen, we can
rebuild him … Yeah, bit of Meccano, and a few diodes and wires here and there, and he’ll be as right as rain!
After his six million dollar op (bet he couldn’t get that done on the National Health!) Steve Austin could run faster,
was stronger, and could see further. (No wonder he got to nob Farrah Fawcett,
eh!) Had a thing for Jamie Sommers (Lindsay Wagner) who become the BIONIC WOMAN in a spin-off series. I had a thing for her, but it ain’t bionic!
(2004 - present)

and a half, Claire Sweeney and her team decorate someone’s home from top
to bottom in 60mins (sometimes with the owners permission!) Thinking of inviting Claire round myself, but it’s not decorating
I have in mind (I’ll give her a make over of a different kind!)
Is this not just like CAROL VORDERMAN'S BETTER HOMES, only without the BETTER HOMES in the title and er …
without, Carol? Course, bet they don’t really do it in 60mins, bet it sometimes takes 61 minutes, or 62 even! That on-screen
clock is well dodgy, don’t trust it!

(Claire in one of the stand out episodes from the series!)

(30 minutes gone and Claire strips down to
her underwear to keep us interested!)
Did you know?
Sweeney wasn’t in the cop show of the same name in the
70s; it’s just a coincidence!
She can be in my cop show if she wants though! I’m making
my own private cop show on video - I got the policewoman’s uniform and everything!
(60s, 70s)
Australian TV

'You want us to follow
you, Skip? There's some bloke lying injured in a disused mineshaft out in the outback?'
Telepathic (must
have been!) Skippy was a bush kangaroo and is the only Aussie actor never to appear in HOME
AND AWAY or NEIGHBOURS, although I think I once spotted him
in PRISONER CELL BLOCK H (or was it my deluded imagination?!)
IN THEIR EYES ordinary members of the public pretend to be popstars. In CELEBRITY
STARS IN THEIR EYES, celebrities pretend to be popstars. Well, we never said these descriptions had
to be lengthy and in-depth, did we?!
Classic television!
Richard and Judy are the best husband and wife team on television, er ... come to think of it they're the *only
husband and wife team on television! (*Accurate back then - ed.) We'll never forget Judy exposing her baps
on that TV awards show, and we're grateful for that! (She's never stopped showing them off since - and we love
them!) We'll never forget Richard's brilliant Ali G impression - hey, spot the difference, or his much publicised
vasectomy (I mean Richard had to have it done as the temptation to shag his big-boobed, shagfest of a wife is too
great, and they can do without more brats spending their hard-earned money!)
Had a weather man called Fred
who did the weather on a large floating map of the British Isles, on the River Mersey. And was once interrupted by a
streakier. I have a gripe however, it rained one day and he said it was going to be fine all day, and I got fucking

(Richard points out the
streaker's nob to Judy, who marvels at just how much bigger it is than Richard's!)
Richard and Judy later moved to Channel
4 obscurity. She still showed off her baps though, and Richard was still a prize dickhead, we love them!
And what genius was You Say We Pay
is!! You'll have to go a long way to beat that gem!!

right luv let it all hang out - phwoar!!)

(The tits we like to see most on television - and Melanie Sykes's breasts!)
By eck, love, tha doesn’t half piss thee sides at the slightest
thing Des!
This pair seemed to be obsessed with smutty innuendo (and in the
early afternoon too - shocking!) and pissed themselves over nothing.
Melanie Sykes (no relation
to Eric) and Des O’Connor (no relation to Hazel - but sings just as
shit!) hosted this early afternoon programme, with inane bouts of laughter and sycophantic grovelling to the usual chat show
type guests (usually soap stars and crap comedians who still think it's funny to tell jokes about Irishmen!)
The relationship between the pair is very much the older man coming
on to the young girl (no, not coming on a young girl!) Des secretly wants to nob her!
The elderly singer seemed to endlessly plug his naff single
of yesteryear Dick a Dum Dum, and interviewed the guests sometimes in convulsions of laughter, wiping tears from his eyes.
Mel joined in with a few gormless comments here and there and liked to flash her tits for any young adolescent boys watching
(and us!).

(Mel flashes her tits to us while pretending
to take a closer look at Hugh Grant!)
Highlight of the show used to be the games played with
a viewer, Five Star Trivia, or its forerunner, Spin a Winner - a chance for a viewer to win up to 2,000 pounds, by answering
a series of questions and then getting a chance to double treble or win the 2000 depending on the spin of a wheel by the celebrity
guest to hand. The viewer often gambled and lost their money by being ultra thick (duh!) when it comes to answering the crunch

(Randy Des suggests a threesome with guest, Jennifer Ellison!)
(Des demonstrates what he'd like to do to Jen's tits!)
Des has a wank under the desk instead!)
Live TV
Ladies played darts topless, showing
their lovely breasts, and I had a ... good evening's viewing!
Del Boy tries to solve
some crimes under the impression that he's some kind of detective. What a plonker! Only a fool or a horse would
think that. This will never be as good as the genius that was MORSE.