Chat and music show from the
BBC’s Pebble Mill studios that was on at one (you see what they’ve done there?) A bit like a forerunner to THIS MORNING WITH RICHARD AND JUDY, but with out her baps hanging out and Richard’s naff
Ali G impression (so not as good really!)
There was also a late night
version called SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MILL, and yes, you’ve guessed it - it was on at a Saturday night and broadcast
from the same place!

Presented by two adults who should know better than
to still play with teddy bears and rag dolls at their age. Very misleading for young children as the clock tells the same
time all day, and there are only a choice of three different shaped windows to look through. Where are the octagon window
or the trapezium one?!
Made Brian Cant a star, who would later go on to do the weekend version, PLAY AWAY. Never did an adult version called HAVING IT AWAY though! Big Ted and Jemima, eh?
Imagine that! Well, you know what they say about big bears!

(Grown woman plays with teddies and rag dolls!)

POINTS OF VIEW (80s-90s)
Robinson, now a nazi bitch presenter of THE WEAKEST LINK presented
this show, where viewers wrote in to complain or praise the programmes on TV (and as this was a BBC programme it usually meant
that the praise was heaped on their own programmes and that the shit was lobbed at ITV's efforts!) Robbo would end the
programme with a wink, which I always thought was her coming on to me by giving me a secret wink - did anyone else think
that? Anyway if you're reading this Anne - I want you to dress in leather and whip my naughty bottom!!
Dear BBC,
Why oh why oh why can't you
bring back that nice programme Points of View and get that nazi sadistic cow Anne Robinson to present it again. I am
willing to pay for the privilege (or her services privately if you can arrange that!) As long as you get her to dress
in leather and I have to call her mistress!
If you do that I will never
ask for anything from you again BBC, and hey, the licence fee - worth every penny if you ask me, when you bring us such wonderful
The Comfy Chair editor
The adventures of a large-nosed postman called Pat (hence the
title, do you see?) who had a black and white cat. Catchy theme song over the titles: “Postman Pat, Postman Pat
and his black and white cat …” (do you see what they’ve done there? They’ve made up a song about
the fact that he was a postman, called Pat, and that he had a black and white cat (didn’t mention his big nose though,
did they, eh kids?!)
Postman Pat, with the enormous conk
Postman Pat, never gets to bonk …
the postmistress, Miss Goggins
So this shit is gubbins!
come later. Sadly they never got round to doing a George the Gynaecologist, much to my disappointment!

(Postman Pat - you know what they say about
a postie with a big nose!)
Australian TV
Not to be confused with the
one with Patrick Mcgoohan in it. A bunch of confined butch lesbians generally
bitch and bed each other in this Aussie soap. Bea Smith (or Queen Bea as they called her - do you see what
they did there?) was in charge of that steam compressor thing, and the cock of the prison!! One of the female prison
officers was nicknamed Vinegar Tits cos she was even more butch than all the others, and there was some old "grog" guzzling bint
called Lizzy! Like BAD GIRLS had never been invented ... er ... actually
it wasn't back then; they nicked the idea from this!

will lick our fannies, you're a dyke now!'

(The Professionals
- permed and dangerous!)
perms (well one of them had a Perm!) A squeal of brakes and a cry of: 'Lets go!' and Bodie and Doyle jumped into action
(or rather rolled over the bonnet of their car into action!) Their boss was George Cowley (that bloke from UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS - Gordon Jackson!) and
together they were CI5, foiling criminal plots against our beloved country - and some of the shows plots were
pretty criminal too!

Politicians on a panel chaired
by David Dimbleby (or Robin Day before
him) try to avoid answering questions asked by the studio audience. The politicians bitch with each other about how much better
their policies are than the others, and every week there is guest from outside of politics, usually a comedian or a newspaper
editor (eh, spot the difference!)
Verdict: bitchy!
QUIZMANIA (2005-?)
Phone in quiz for insomniacs
on ITV1 every night for absolutely hours! I caught one episode when some bint had sent in a very nice buxom piccie of
herself! Two memorable hosts, one a barmy bloke with glasses and some blonde bit that makes Alex
Lovell off BRAINTEASER look like Einstein (although we’d
definitely shag her!)
RAINBOW (70s,80s)
Can anyone tell me what the
fuck zippy is? Some strange creature with a zip for a mouth! His friends were a pink hippopotamus, a big bear
and a bloke that would talk to them like he was someone from the slow school, oh and a group of people who would come in and
sing a few shite songs. Cult heroes for a certain generation - an open-mouthed mystery to others!

(The boys do something
very interesting with paper cups, and Zippy gives George's nob a friendly grope under the table!)
Badly drawn animation!
Roobarb was a green jerky dog, next door lived a sarcastic pink jerky cat called Custard, who would take the piss out of Roobarb
something rotten. As would the jerky birds who would sit on his fence laughing at him.
It was animated by Bob Godfrey who made all those naughty adult animations, which I liked to jerky off to!
But Roobarb never got his
nob out and got it on with any green jerky bitches in the neighbourhood. They were probably all dogs! (geddit?)

(Roobarb tries
to be an aeroplane - stupid twat!)

- pink pussy!)